Motorbike Insurance Benefits

We can provide cover for Spanish registered motorbikes located in Spain.

We can also insure Portuguese registered motorbikes through selected Portuguese insurers.

Insurance for expats is our speciality because we too are expats, we understand that you may have questions or queries about our insurance products and therefore we are ready to answer all your questions and find the motorbike insurance that meets your needs.

Motorbike Insurance Types of Cover

We can offer fully comprehensive or third party only covers. Both include Legal and Breakdown Cover Protection.


CoverComprehensiveThird Party & Fire TheftThird Pary Only Including Glass
Fire & Theft
Windscreen Breakage
Emergency Treatment (applicable to the UK only)
Legal Defence
Legal Liability for damage to third party property
Legal Liability for death or injury to any other person, including passengers
Medical Expenses for anyone injured in your car
New Vehicle Replacement
Own Damage (excluding glass)
Policyholder Personal injury cover subject to policy limits
Replacement Locks


Optional extras

  • Breakdown and Legal Protection. Choose the cover that suits your needs best.
  • Essential level breakdown assistance cover for your country of residence  (Gibraltar, Portugal or Spain.  Spain includes Andorra in this context)
  • Prestige level breakdown assistance cover for any member country of the European Union